A Special Message of Interest from Conservative Majority PAC
IRAN HAS NUCLEAR EMP PLAN FOR U.S. 6,000 CENTRIFUGES FOR IRAN AND Bibi: Obama 'Deal' = Iran Nukes In 1 Year KEEP THE PETITIONS COMING! Demand Iran Sanctions NOW – Support
Yet Obama has REMOVED Iran from the official U.S. list of terrorist states, and is proceeding at break-neck speed to close his "deal" with the Ayatollahs! And BITTER over critic Bibi Netanyahu's re-election as Israeli Prime Minister, Barack Obama – ally of Iran – is THREATENING SANCTIONS AGAINST ISRAEL! If Netanyahu does not SUBMIT to Obama's indefensible "two state solution" negotiated with TERRORISTS, the U.S. just might ABANDON Israel at the U.N. and fail to oppose Palestinian attacks there against the Jewish State. These include dragging Israel before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trumped-up "crimes against humanity" for DEFENDING against Hamas and Hezbollah terror attacks last summer! Worse, Obama is "edging closer" to abandoning years of blocking U.N. Security Council resolutions seeking to ILLICITLY IMPOSE so-called peace talks and a multi-lateral mandate for creation of an Islamic-Arab Palestinian State – in total violation of Resolution 242 and decades of U.S. diplomatic commitments. Congress MUST STOP Obama… As Obama moves against Israel, an AP exclusive reveals Obama's "bad deal" gives 6,000 centrifuges to IRAN per a leaked draft of the nuke agreement with the mad mullahs! And as an added "bonus," certain parts of a critical U.N. arms embargo against Iran will be lifted! This deal started at an original ceiling of 500 to 1,500 centrifuges – one year ago, U.S. officials said maybe 4,000 could become a compromise if all else was agreed to… now look at the reckless numbers Obama is capitulating to just to get a deal!
Obama won't concede – it's NOT OK for Iran to bomb Israel TODAY, in TEN YEARS or in TWENTY! Unfortunately, this administration is on the forward march to ARM A NUCLEAR IRAN THAT WE KNOW IS COMMITTED TO OUR – AND ISRAEL'S – ANNIHILATION. DAYS ago, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper saw fit to remove BOTH Iran and its terror front Hezbollah from the Worldwide Threat Assessment report "Terrorists" section – because giving nuclear capabilities to terrorist Iran and its terrorist proxies raises alarms, as opposed to arming not terrorist Iran and its not terrorist proxies. Isn't national security and foreign policy easy? Obama's attempt at "re-messaging" the threat posed by a nuclear Iran does not change the cold, hard facts that he is fine letting Iran "go nuclear" – and Obama is poised to dangerously PUNISH ISRAEL for resisting his plan to EMPOWER IRAN! Obama's foreign policy is obviously beyond "misguided," "naïve," or even just plain "stupid." It is intentionally, maliciously bad for America and bad for Israel! If not checked by Congress at once, the implications of Obama's pro-Iran, anti-Israel foreign policy jeopardize the safety of both our greatest ally and our own nation – made all the more evident with reports of Iran's mischief right here in the Western Hemisphere IN VENEZUELA. Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu need your help rallying Congress to check and contain Barack Obama! Before Obama can bypass Congress; before this 'bad deal' is signed on the dotted line by anybody; before the bigots, anti-Semites and Israel-haters at the U.N. can help Iran hurt Israel – YOU can help Israel stand strong and stand secure! Mitch McConnell PUT ON HOLD a "bipartisan" Democrat bill for CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT of this Iran deal that Obama is DREADING… WE NEED A VOTE AND WE NEED TO BE READY TO VETO OVERRIDE NOW! And it is NOT just Netanyahu's landslide victory in Israel or specifics of the nuclear deal that have Obama pushing and shoving; Team Obama is all in a snit here at home over political "defiance" of Great Leader in Congress regarding his entire Middle Eastern "statesmanship" – such as it is. The Obama administration is frothing at the mouth over dissenting Senate Republicans' open letter to Iran – with Senators being called "traitors" by top Democrats. Further, the GOP was sent a letter from Obama through his chief of staff Denis McDonough threatening veto of legislation that restricts his deal making, and effectually ordering the Senate to "stand down" and let OBAMA have a completely clear field for negotiating with "Death to America" Iran over its nuclear program. McDonough's angry letter also indicated Obama intends to seek U.N. Security Council approval of whatever deal he makes – as if the U.S. should be bound by the notoriously anti-Israel United Nations in its foreign policy!
As the Cotton letter explained, our Constitution REQUIRES congressional approval over international agreements in order for them to be legally binding on the United States, no matter how badly the "international community" wants it… In a recent interview, Iran's foreign minister Javad Zarif suggested that the Obama administration just maneuver around the U.S. Senate, and seek approval of a nuclear deal with Iran not from the United States Congress but from the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL – the U.S., China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom. According to a Free Beacon report, the Obama administration is working this CONSTITUTION-BUSTING angle through the State Department, FALSELY arguing that such a "nonbinding agreement with Iran" WOULD NOT be subject to congressional oversight or approval and could be MORE ENFORCEABLE than a U.S. Congress-monitored instrument. Alarmingly, Reuters reports that the State Department is ALREADY WORKING with other U.N. Security Council members on a plan to ease sanctions on Tehran that bypasses our Congress. Not that Iran is abiding by its current Security Council resolution PROHIBITING its enrichment of uranium… they know full well that Obama bothers not at all about those pesky details! Zarif himself pointed out how such an "international agreement" ostensibly authorized through the U.N. would be binding on the current U.S. government and on future U.S. governments because of our U.S.-U.N. obligations. What's really in the works is a plan to establish the terms of such "international agreements" as the status quo… and then PRESSURE the United States to abide by them after the fact ABSENT Constitutional ratification. Thus, separation of powers with the Senate's advice and consent role would become only an empty "technicality" lacking substance or imperative as our nation relies upon a tyrannical Executive and the United Nations to enter into entangling alliances. This is a dangerous game Barack Obama is playing – destroying Constitutional balance and acting despotically, for the sake of his overweening pride in making a BAD DEAL with Iran! "The United Nations has no authority whatsoever to bind the United States of America," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the Daily Beast. "If President Obama attempts to end-run the Constitution by enlisting the United Nations to enforce an Iran deal that sets the stage for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, it would be both profoundly dangerous to the national security of the United States and our allies, and also patently unconstitutional." Barack Obama THINKS he can get away with going after Bibi in the Israeli elections and he THINKS he can get away with deferring to the anti-Semitic U.N. to HELP IRAN IMPERIL ISRAEL. Cruz is a powerful voice raised against Obama's duplicity and damage. BUT WE NEED THE ENTIRE SENATE TO RESIST WITH SANCTIONS NOW – before Obama can sell out our sovereignty and our ally along with it! The vigorous momentum of resistance to Iran's terror state has been sparked in Congress – and YOUR continued support remains vital to its success! Thank God for the clarion call of truth! Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu powerfully, bluntly addressed a joint session of Congress on the threat posed to the West by Islamic supremacists and a nuclear-capable Iran. And patriots of freedom in the Senate have responded. Already facing furious attack denouncing them at TRAITORS for crossing Obama, they need YOUR urgent support! Some 47 Republican Senators, led by Iraq war veteran Tom Cotton of Arkansas, were inspired to follow this broadside of truth with an open letter to Iran's top leaders, letting them know that any nuclear deal they reach with the United States would be "nothing more than an executive agreement" with the Obama administration. Obama partisans and useful idiots of subversion, seeking to purvey the lie that the world confronts today "normal" geopolitical threats and that America should be docilely submitting to Obama's betrayals and conducting political "business as usual" profess outrage over Sen. Cotton's initiative of honesty. His opponents’ histrionics ape Nancy Pelosi absurd claim the Netanyahu speech reduced her to "tears" of outrage that Bibi had the audacity to bring such clarity to Obama's "bad deal" affording Iran the capability to develop a nuclear weapon WITHIN A YEAR. The Senate open letter is brief and to the point: "The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said. "That is exactly what could happen if the deal being negotiated is accepted by Iran. That deal would not prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons. It would all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons, lots of them." We SAW the reaction to Netanyahu's address from a galvanized Congress, from standing ovations, to cheers, to the emotional petulance of Pelosi's sniveling… TODAY, Congress needs to TAKE ACTION and STAND WITH ISRAEL – BY ENACTING NEW SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAN!
To put it mildly, Obama's long-promised "opportunity" for Iran means bringing the world to nuclear brinksmanship… and the Obama administration doggedly maintains that there is NO OTHER OPTION but to "negotiate" and deal-make with the blood-drenched Ayatollahs and HOPE we have bought the world enough time to REACT should Tehran CHEAT – which we already know they are doing, not because of ideological bias, but because of UNITED NATIONS reports. Obama, who LOVES to delegate authority and oversight to the U.N. on every other occasion, is IGNORING these U.N. reports with all the starry-eyed hope, self-confidence and naiveté of a freshman political science major! So, Obama FALSELY told reporters that Netanyahu "didn't offer any viable alternatives" – UNTRUE, as the U.S. Senate and House overwhelmingly recognized. Of course, Netanyahu did – with strenuous sanctions in the forefront! But it is not Netanyahu's responsibility to direct U.S. foreign policy; it is OUR PRESIDENT'S… and our president is FAILING. Fortunately, it is Congress' duty to abide by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE and to advise and check the Executive Branch when it comes to entering foreign agreements. WE MUST KEEP REINFORCING BIBI'S WARNING, as the Obama propaganda machine is in FULL CRY against it. Because what Netanyahu is telling this president of the United States is that HIS – OBAMA'S – policy is putting our ally Israel and America at a CROSSROADS in our relationship, while putting the world at large in jeopardy by empowering an aggressive and militant Iran. While lamenting the lack of an "agreeable" alternative to the Obama plan in Netanyahu's speech, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California delicately criticized Team Obama's 10-year Iranian "deal"… as not long enough in its limitations on Iran's nuclear capabilities. "One of the things that I've seen in my lifetime is time goes by very fast, and 10 years is not a very long time," said Feinstein. Other Democrat House Members beclowned themselves serving as Obama's whining surrogates – like Pelosi – leveling nasty middle school-style criticisms… which makes sense given Obama's elections were more or less on a par with popularity contests of the "coolest" candidate. Republicans AND Democrats on Capitol Hill know there is FAR more at stake here than Obama's EGO – but we cannot risk Congress failing to STAND WITH ISRAEL – THEY MUST HEAR FROM YOU!
"Islam has given us this wish, capacity and power to destroy the Zionist regime so that our hands will remain on the trigger…" And all that holds Iran's military back, they say, is that they AWAIT THE ORDERS TO DO SO! Times of Israel reminds us that these trigger threats came A DAY after Netanyahu presented to the press a shipment of Iranian arms on their way to terror groups in Gaza that were instead intercepted by Israeli forces at sea. Somehow, we cannot recall hearing ANY cries of condemnation coming from the Obama faction – not the State Dept., not Kerry, not even from U.N. Secretary Power or NSA Rice – Israel-haters all, of course… Washington MUST hear from YOU. Congress CANNOT allow the Obama administration to abandon Israel to the Islamists, be they the Palestinian Authority or Iran! WE MUST DEMAND NEW SANCTIONS NOW AGAINST IRAN, S. 1881 FOR A NUCLEAR WEAPON FREE IRAN AND S. 2650 FORCING TRANSPARENCY AND CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT IN ANY OBAMA ADMIN DEAL-MAKING WITH IRAN! Remember, as foreign affairs expert Caroline Glick has noted, Obama is:
Another reason Israel is imperiled is because the U.S. government under Obama, through security leaks and other breaches, has maliciously crippled Israel's covert operations against Iran's nuclear program – leaving few options other than military strikes against Iran's reactors and nuclear facilities.
Whatever the global politics of this Iranian "deal" may finally prove to be, one cold, hard fact of American politics MUST be confronted. In February 2010, 48 percent of Democrats supported Israel and 70 percent of Republicans did. Those figures have only worsened since. Obama is destroying his old party, destroying America's proud and noble consensus in support of Israel, leading our country to ruin, and imperiling the only democracy in the Middle East as he pursues policies that bring the region closer and closer to catastrophic, perhaps even nuclear war. There is a liberal majority of the Democrat party that no longer stands foursquare with Israel – and under the "leadership" of Obama, the betrayal of Israel is becoming party policy. IT MUST NOT BECOME AMERICA'S POLICY. CONGRESS MUST NOT DISHONOR OUR NATION BY BESMIRCHING OUR RIGHTFUL HISTORY OF SUPPORT FOR THE JEWISH STATE. SEN. TOM COTTON AND HIS COLLEAGUES ARE RIGHT. THEY NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW! AMERICA STANDS WITH ISRAEL. PLEASE PRAY AND ACT FOR THE SAFETY OF ISRAEL… TELL CONGRESS: STAND WITH ISRAEL! Keep Faith, Alan Keyes