A Special Message of Interest from Conservative Majority PAC
The bill has already passed the Committee on a unanimous 19-0 vote, with White House concurrence. Corker wants to bring it soon for a full Senate vote. This bill is a SELL OUT, and it needs to be KILLED. DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT Mainstream media hasn't got a clue. They are crowing about "bipartisan compromise" that was supposedly "hammered out," with Obama prohibited from waiving, even temporarily, Congressional sanctions against Iran without Senate approval. In exchange, the Senate would get a more limited 30-day review of the plan than the one it originally wanted. Equally important to the cuddly bipartisanism, Republicans "gave up" language requiring Iran to publicly renounce terrorism that was "insulting" and "a deal breaker" for the dignified Ayatollahs. Obama's media machine is falling all over itself praising on-end the "bipartisan compromise" reached between the Republican-led Senate and the White House… Obama even says he will sign S. 615 – BUT IT'S ONLY BECAUSE NOW IT'S BEEN AMENDED TO AID AND ABET HIS BAD NUCLEAR DEAL WITH IRAN! The TRUTH is BOTH PARTIES in Committee agreed to allow Obama's Iran "not-a-treaty" ruse to BYPASS the constitutional pre-requisite of 67 SENATE VOTES TO RATIFY A TREATY – and are giving Obama a nuclear Iran on a platter! THIS PAVES THE WAY FOR OBAMA TO DO WHATEVER HE WANTS AND THERE WILL BE NO WAY TO STOP ANY DEAL NO MATTER HOW BAD! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT No wonder Obama said he would sign this stinker! It is pre-emptive capitulation, TOTAL SURRENDER!
YOU READ THAT RIGHT – No matter what Team Obama brings to the table, IRAN WINS! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT The stakes couldn't be higher and we cannot trust Democrats to suddenly defy Obama marching orders! The lone exception was Sen. Bob Menendez and he is now facing conveniently timed corruption charges. We must rally senate conservatives to REJECT S. 615 BEFORE It goes one step further – or God forbid 'pen and phone' Obama will have free rein to imperil America, trample the Constitution, and sell out our ally Israel – a path for the tyrant Obama THAT MUST NOT HAPPEN! REMEMBER: News just broke of how the Obama administration COVERED up the transfer of missiles from North Korea to Iran; also that Russia's Putin will sell ballistic missiles to the Mad Mullahs. And the 'talking points' of this elusive 'agreement framework' that Obama claims he has with Iran don't match from one country to another – with Iran already point blank calling Obama a liar! IMMEDIATELY, we must CHECK the Republican Establishment every bit as much as we need to CHECK THE OVAL OFFICE and BALANCE these betrayals with REAL SOLUTIONS before we are confronting a NUCLEAR IRAN. We do this by MAINTAINING the constitutional 67-vote threshold for TREATY ratification. No 67 votes, no "deal" with Iran, and in this event IMMEDIATELY snapping sanctions back in place! Furthermore, THE FACTS AND TREATY TERMS MUST ADD UP FROM ONE COUNTRY TO THE NEXT… Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised a full Senate vote right after the Committee vote – we need YOUR help derailing Obama's bad deal that empowers Iran while hanging our ally, Israel, out to dry. BLAST FAX YOUR REJECTIONG OF FRANKENSTEIN S. 615, DEMAND SANCTIONS AND CONSTITUTIONAL CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT NOW… CAPITOL HILL AND HOME DISTRICT OFFICES MUST HEAR YOU! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT
Disputing the Obama administration talking points, Zarif told reporters that part of the deal includes Iran being allowed to continue enriching uranium, a necessary element for a nuclear bomb, along with other key components! Zarif also said all nuclear-related sanctions would be lifted as soon as a final deal is reached. As a coup de grâce to any meaningful enforcement, Iran would not be obligated to shut down ANY of its current nuclear installations! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT It gets worse. According to Zarif, Iran will also be allowed to sell "enriched uranium" to the rest of the worlds and will be "hopefully making some money." It certainly sounds like a win-win for Iran while our ally Israel – and the world including America – gets nothing but a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, maybe even World War III. This deal must be stopped.
The closest worldwide sponsor of terrorism Iran should be to a nuclear weapon is NEVER. Obama is literally blowing up the opportunity to DISARM the Ayatollahs of nuclear capability by saying that the only alternative to this deal is WAR with Iran. That postulation begs the question, would you rather risk war with no nukes Iran NOW or war with nuclear Iran in ten years? I KNOW MY ANSWER! But after years of negotiating face to face with tyrants, I know it need NOT be war, if the United States showed consistency and resolve against Iran's nuclear ambitions. If our world is NOT to see conflict in the Middle East dangerously escalate Congress MUST exercise proper Constitutional checks and balances over the Oval Office's New World Order ambitions! Obama's failing foreign policy in the region is forcing Arab states and Israel to align against Iran – and soon, against the Obama-led United States? – in order to hold the Ayatollahs' nuclear ambitions in check. This is a geopolitical disaster, UNLESS we continue to RESIST and FORCE CONGRESS TO STOP OBAMA'S BAD DEAL! And now S. 615 has been crafted to SEAL Obama's deal! This MUST be STOPPED BY THE CONGRESS! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT
This deal started at an original ceiling of 500 to 1,500 centrifuges – one year ago, U.S. officials said maybe 4,000 could become a compromise if all else was agreed to… now look at the reckless numbers Obama is capitulating to just to get a deal! Yet Obama has REMOVED Iran from the official U.S. list of terrorist states, and is proceeding at break-neck speed to close his "deal" with the Ayatollahs! And BITTER over critic Bibi Netanyahu's re-election as Israeli Prime Minister, Barack Obama – ally of Iran – is THREATENING SANCTIONS AGAINST ISRAEL! If Netanyahu does not SUBMIT to Obama's indefensible "two state solution" negotiated with TERRORISTS, the U.S. just might ABANDON Israel at the U.N. and fail to oppose Palestinian attacks there against the Jewish State. These include dragging Israel before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trumped-up "crimes against humanity" for DEFENDING against Hamas and Hezbollah terror attacks last summer! Worse, Obama is "edging closer" to abandoning years of blocking U.N. Security Council resolutions seeking to ILLICITLY IMPOSE so-called peace talks and a multi-lateral mandate for creation of an Islamic-Arab Palestinian State – in total violation of Resolution 242 and decades of U.S. diplomatic commitments. Congress MUST STOP Obama… DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT
Obama won't concede – it's NOT OK for Iran to bomb Israel TODAY, in TEN YEARS or in TWENTY! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT Dissenting Senate Republicans' open letter to Iran – with Senators being called "traitors" by top Democrats – provoked a response from Obama through his chief of staff Denis McDonough threatening veto of legislation that restricts his deal making, and effectually ordering the Senate to "stand down" and let OBAMA have a completely clear field for negotiating with "Death to America" Iran over its nuclear program. McDonough's angry letter also indicated Obama intends to seek U.N. Security Council approval of whatever deal he makes – as if the U.S. should be bound by the notoriously anti-Israel United Nations in its foreign policy! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT
As the Cotton letter explained, our Constitution REQUIRES congressional approval over international agreements in order for them to be legally binding on the United States, no matter how badly the "international community" wants it… "The United Nations has no authority whatsoever to bind the United States of America," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the Daily Beast. "If President Obama attempts to end-run the Constitution by enlisting the United Nations to enforce an Iran deal that sets the stage for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, it would be both profoundly dangerous to the national security of the United States and our allies, and also patently unconstitutional." Barack Obama THINKS he can get away with going after Bibi in the Israeli elections and he THINKS he can get away with deferring to the anti-Semitic U.N. to HELP IRAN IMPERIL ISRAEL. Cruz is a powerful voice raised against Obama's duplicity and damage. BUT WE NEED THE ENTIRE SENATE TO RESIST WITH SANCTIONS NOW – before Obama can sell out our sovereignty and our ally along with it! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT We MUST NOT let this Trojan Horse bill, S. 615 derail the vigorous momentum of resistance to Iran's terror state that has been sparked in Congress – and YOUR continued support remains vital to its success! Washington MUST hear from YOU that OBAMA DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICAN QUISLINGS ARE FOOLING NO ONE. Congress CANNOT allow the Obama administration to abandon Israel to the Islamists, be they the Palestinian Authority or Iran! WE MUST DEMAND NEW SANCTIONS NOW AGAINST IRAN, S. 1881 FOR A NUCLEAR WEAPON FREE IRAN AND REJECT S. 615 IN FAVOR OF MEANINGFUL CONSTITUTIONAL CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT IN ANY OBAMA ADMIN DEAL-MAKING WITH IRAN! DEMAND SENATE CONSERVATIVES REJECT S. 615 SELLOUT
Another reason Israel is imperiled is because the U.S. government under Obama, through security leaks and other breaches, has maliciously crippled Israel's covert operations against Iran's nuclear program – leaving few options other than military strikes against Iran's reactors and nuclear facilities.
Whatever the global politics of this Iranian "deal" may finally prove to be, one cold, hard fact of American politics MUST be confronted. In February 2010, 48 percent of Democrats supported Israel and 70 percent of Republicans did. Those figures have only worsened since. Obama is destroying his old party, destroying America's proud and noble consensus in support of Israel, leading our country to ruin, and imperiling the only democracy in the Middle East as he pursues policies that bring the region closer and closer to catastrophic, perhaps even nuclear war. There is a liberal majority of the Democrat party that no longer stands foursquare with Israel – and under the "leadership" of Obama, the betrayal of Israel is becoming party policy. IT MUST NOT BECOME AMERICA'S POLICY. CONGRESS MUST NOT DISHONOR OUR NATION BY BESMIRCHING OUR RIGHTFUL HISTORY OF SUPPORT FOR THE JEWISH STATE. SEN. TOM COTTON AND HIS COLLEAGUES ARE RIGHT. THEY NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW! AMERICA STANDS WITH ISRAEL. PLEASE PRAY AND ACT FOR THE SAFETY OF ISRAEL… TELL CONGRESS: STAND WITH ISRAEL! Keep Faith, Alan Keyes