A Special Message of Interest from Conservative Majority PAC
Unless YOU demand Congress intervene, Iran will win its objectives of no sanctions and a rubberstamp for "limited" nuclear warhead capabilities. "The P5+1 and Iran have decided to extend the measures under the Joint Plan of Action until July 7 to allow more time for negotiations to reach a long-term solution … on the Iran nuclear issue," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters. According to a Reuters report, among the "progress" being made in this deal so far is Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei ruling out the freezing of sensitive nuclear work, i.e. the "work" towards developing a nuclear bomb and demanding international sanctions be lifted. P5+1 wants Iran to "commit to a verifiable halt of at least 10 years" on such work while Khamenei in a broadcast speech told Iranian's that such a freeze is "not acceptable." WHY IS IRAN STIPULATING THE 'CONDITIONS' OF THIS DEAL? The world is offering relief from sanctions, "limited" inspections of Iran's military sites, AND 5,000 centrifuges according to Western sources. Washington Free Beacon reminds us of an important point here – Pakistan secured nuclear weapons with 3,000 centrifuges! "It is alarming to see how in dealing with this regime in Tehran, our negotiators have learned so little from past errors, where leaving nuclear infrastructure, like thousands of centrifuges, in the hands of lying, terror-sponsoring, human rights abusing, ballistic missile shooting mad-men resulted in nuclear weapons and proliferation, just as this bad deal will promote," said one source present in Vienna told the Free Beacon. The Beacon further reminds us of former CIA deputy director Michael Morell's February warning:
Another Western source present for the talks said that "this deal gives the Iranians more than enough centrifuges to go nuclear whenever they decide to, and hopes that they don't." 'HOPE' WILL NOT SAVE ISRAEL – OR THE REST OF THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE U.S. – WHEN IRAN DECIDES TO GO NUCLEAR! This is a BAD DEAL and CONGRESS MUST SHUT IT DOWN AT ONCE!
Meanwhile, on the eve of the deal "deadline," William Kristol writing for The Weekly Standard noted a disturbing news bulletin straight from Vienna demonstrating once again Iran has the upper hand. This report has a senior U.S. official saying inspection details for all suspect sites have been worked out… with access to all of Iran's military sites OFF-LIMITS! Our Congress can STILL KILL THIS DEAL if YOU hold their feet to the fire! Obama, Iran and major powers are racing the clock to ink a dangerous nuclear "deal" they intend to peddle to the world as a good idea but is in fact a disaster… ALL signs are pointing towards Iran reneging on MAJOR points it already agreed to months ago and the traitorous Obama administration bending over backwards to accommodate and appease them in order to reach a "deal" – ANY "deal"! Negotiations are expected to pass the deadline AGAIN, giving Iran even MORE LEVERAGE with the pathetically eager, desperate Kerry and Obama. Don't let Obama give Iran a nuclear bomb today, tomorrow OR in 10 years…SHOUT TO CONGRESS TO REJECT THIS BAD-FOR-AMERICA, BAD-FOR-ISRAEL, BAD-FOR-THE-WORLD DEAL AND SNAP SANCTIONS BACK INTO PLACE! "The entry point isn't we must be able to get into every military site, because the United States of America wouldn't allow anybody to get into every military site, so that's not appropriate," the Obama official said. "But if in the context of agreement… the IAEA believes it needs access and has a reason for that access then we have a process that access is given." Kristol writes: "Think about that. The American official argues that Iran – a rogue regime that sponsors terror and that has lied about its nuclear program, and that is under sanctions precisely because it has proved time and again it can't be trusted – should be held to the same standards as the U.S. Amazing. It turns out the Left's old doctrine of moral equivalence between the Soviet Union and the U.S. has been replaced by a doctrine of moral equivalence between Iran and the U.S." Not to mention the "process" in place will certainly buy Iran enough time to move its incriminating bomb-making nuclear materials to somewhere else before ANY inspectors show up! For the sake of deal-making with Iran, this traitorous Obama administration is hanging our steadfast ally, Israel, out to dry and future generations of Americans will be left to deal with the consequences of nuclear-armed mad mullahs! THIS ISN'T JUST BAD FOREIGN POLICY – THIS IS UN-AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY! Only your ROARING DEMANDS TO WASHINGTON will spur Congress to REJECT THIS RAW DEAL FOR AMERICA AND ISRAEL!
Of course, Obama wants YOU to rest assured that the deal DOES allow international inspections of designated nuclear sites – just not "military, security and sensitive non-nuclear sites" – you know, ALL the perfect places professed enemies like the IRI are likely to HIDE ongoing nuclear weapons development! Though still pending rubberstamp ratification by Iran's Guardian Council, the EXPLICIT banning of military site inspections and nuclear watchdog interviews of Iran's nuclear scientists are both supported by supreme authority Ayatollah Ali Khameni as "an affront" to the Islamic Republic of Iran's sovereignty. With only days to go until the June 30 deal deadline, a new State Department assessment reports Iran is ratcheting up its funding and arming of terrorist groups throughout the Middle East, including anti-Israel groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, and groups AROUND THE WORLD in Africa, Asia AND LATIN AMERICA. "ISIL and Al Qaeda were far from the only serious threat that confronted the United States and its allies," reads the report. "Iran continued to sponsor terrorist groups around the world, principally through its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF)." The report also affirms that Iran has not been "transparent" with its nuclear activities, including past MILITARY WORK on nuclear weapon development! "Iran remains a state of proliferation concern," it states. "Despite multiple [United Nations Security Council resolutions] requiring Iran to suspend its sensitive nuclear proliferation activities, Iran continued to be in noncompliance with its international obligations regarding its nuclear program." YET CONGRESS IS STILL SITTING BACK WAITING FOR THIS 'DEAL' TO HAPPEN AND LEAVING OUR ALLY, ISRAEL, ON ITS OWN TO DEAL WITH THE FALLOUT!
But Obama's "wishes" could prove disastrous – even fatal – to the Jewish State if Congress fails in their sworn duty! Flynn told Congress the deal's 10-year time frame "only [makes] sense" if the U.S. thinks a "wider reconciliation" with Iran, which has "every intention to build a nuclear weapon," is possible. In other words, Obama's deal relies upon U.S. reconciliation with Iran before Iran BUILDS A NUKE and turns it on us… what are the odds? Flynn also made clear that Iran's desire to wipe Israel off the map is "very real." This is not just ONE ASSESSMENT speaking out against this deal… Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told an international security conference in Herzliya, Israel: "I'm often portrayed as the nuclear party pooper. And that would be okay if I was the only voice against the impending deal with Iran.
All the while, Iran's Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on June 4th spewed televised vitriol about the U.S. and Israel supporting the Islamic State and Al Qaeda while the crowd laps it up with chants of "Death to America!" Death to England!' and 'Death to Israel' – with just days to go for Obama's 'deal' to be completed by June 30th! Two years ago, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified before Congress that Iran "has the scientific, technical and industrial capacity" to build nuclear weapons and whether it does so or not very likely will be decided "singly" by the Ayatollah Khamenei.
The uncertainty and risk in Obama's venture with the Iranians is grotesque, and unprecedented in recent history. Yet the narcissistic and ideologically rigid Obama appears to listen to no one – except maybe Valerie Jarrett – in making his decisions that so imperil America AND Israel! CONGRESS CANNOT, MUST NOT LET THIS 'DEAL' PROCEED!
Detailed in IAEA's recent report is the alarming fact that Tehran's fissile stockpile has increased by a whopping 20 percent over the past 18 months of negotiation with the Obama administration, which has said Iran's nuke program had been "frozen" DURING THAT PERIOD. Experts speculate that either Iran "can't" freeze the program/make the nuke fuel unusable for weapons OR it is stockpiling for advantage should negotiations fail… more likely it's using Obama's excuse-making to just keep developing its nuclear weapons program! According to the "deal" details released thus far, Iran would have to get rid of more than NINE TONS OF ITS STOCKPILE in months – like by SHIPPING IT TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. Public opinion CAN STILL motivate Congress to block Obama's pro-Iran nuclear "agreement" – and it MUST be stopped!
The U.S. Congress MUST take bold, clear and decisive action to confirm to the world our unwavering commitment to defend U.S. interests there, uphold our alliance with the Jewish State – AND without fail ensure Israel secures the peace of Jerusalem! Obama's Machiavellianism with his Iran nuclear "accord" has thrown the whole Middle East into disorder and invited a regional nuclear arms race and intensified violence. Saudi Arabia, among other powers, are shopping for their own "off the shelf" nuclear weapon capabilities to counter their arch-enemies, the Iranians. The "international community" will be powerless against this… And as proof, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has VOWED to RESIST so-called "coercion and excessive demands" in any weapons accord, such as international inspection of Iran's military sites OR interviews with its nuclear scientists – AND his lap-dog Parliament is BACKING HIM TO THE HILT. Denouncing the U.S. as an "impudent and brazen enemy," Khamenei CONTINUES to directly contradict the assertions of Obama's so-called fact sheet on the "nuclear deal" released by the U.S. State Department, which claims Iran WILL grant on-site access to U.N. inspectors. Somebody is LYING about the terms Obama and John Kerry are negotiating with the Ayatollahs… YOU need to DEMAND that Congress know the truth, and ACT accordingly!
We must WORK and PRAY, PRAY and WORK to ensure that this SHOCKING, SHAMEFUL CAPITULATION by those pledged as supposedly committed allies of Israel DOES NOT go down in the annals of history as a CIVILIZATION-WRECKING SURRENDER of duty and responsibility by those entrusted with high office in the U.S. – AND A FATAL BETRAYAL OF THE JEWISH STATE. On 5/14, H.R. 1191, formerly S. 615, was slyly brought by so-called "Leadership" to the House floor under suspension of the rules; following floor statements, the House swiftly passed the bill by a vote of 400-25. In the upper chamber, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) stood alone in his valiant opposition to S. 615, a bill rubberstamped by a cowardly House as H.R. 1191. Unless we start NOW rallying furious voter resistance to the betrayal of Israel that is coming in Obama's "nuke agreement," this gives Congress only the authority to "disapprove" after the fact of Obama's TRAITOROUS Iran deal – whatever specifics he brings to the table… with virtually nil authority to amend, fix or void this nuke deal with Iran, no matter how bad or how dangerous – because doing so now depends on OBAMA NOT VETOING CONGRESS' ACTION… or pathetic GOP "Leaders" being compelled by YOUR OUTRAGE to actually mount a successful VETO OVERRIDE! With Israel's survival, and America's, at stake – this IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE, but we MUST PUSH BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS HARD TODAY! "A nuclear-arms agreement with any adversary – especially the terror-sponsoring, Islamist Iranian regime – should be submitted as a TREATY and obtain a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate as required by the Constitution," Cotton quite rightly has insisted throughout this process. AMERICA'S BETRAYAL OF OUR ALLY FOR THE BENEFIT OF IRAN MUST NOT GO UNRESISTED – AND ONLY YOUR CONSTITUENT OUTRAGE CAN DO ANYTHING TO REMEDY IT!
In fact, no nuke deal means EVERYTHING for Israel who is in the crosshairs of the Mad Mullahs, once they finish chasing our ships around the Gulf of Aden – with financial sanctions against them lifted and their nuke program barreling along – of course! According to a recent Times of Israel report, Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei BRAGGED May 6 that the United States "can't do a damn thing" to harm his country's nuclear facilities… AND THE VERY NEXT DAY, 98 of our Senators voted to HELP OBAMA NEGOTIATE WITH THIS TERRORIST NATION. Nuclear negotiations between Iran and the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany resumed May 12 in Vienna… They are NOW planning for a full surrender agreement to Iran by JUNE 30. WE NEED YOUR OUTRAGE TO MOBILIZE A REJECTION OF OBAMA'S FINAL NUCLEAR AGREEMENT IN CONGRESS SO OVERWHELMING THIS BAD DEAL FOR ISRAEL AND AMERICA WILL BE STOPPED BY VETO-PROOF MAJORITY! WE NEED TO BLAST CONGRESS AND LET THEM HEAR OUR FURY! With Democrats noted in italics, you can see how only 19 Republicans showed up for the H.R. 1191 vote with their pro-Israel convictions and their fealty to the Constitution intact:
Obama's impending so-called "agreement" is a DISASTER for Israel! IRAN ISN'T STOPPING AND NOW THEY ARE EVEN CLOSER TO A 'DEAL' WITH OBAMA! The latest IAEA report only CONFIRMS what we ALREADY KNEW – IRAN IS RAPIDLY GOING NUCLEAR! According to a Reuters report, the British government informed the United Nations sanctions panel ON APRIL 20, 2015 – 18 days after Obama's preliminary "framework" agreement was reached – that it "is aware of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network which has been associated with Iran's Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA) and Kalay Electric Company (KEC)" – two blacklisted firms due to their links to banned Iranian nuclear activities. Iran is becoming more emboldened and reckless by the day, ENCOURAGED by Obama's policy commitment to REWARD them with NUKES – no matter their ambitions to conquer the West; no matter how loud and long they chant "Death to America" and "Death to Israel!" YOUR RELENTLESS PRESSURE ON CAPITOL HILL CAN STILL KILL THIS DEAL WHEN CONGRESS VOTES TO REVIEW IT – DUE ONLY DAYS AWAY! STOP IRAN AND SAVE ISRAEL AND THE WEST – KEEP POUNDING THE MESSAGE HOME WITH YOUR PETITIONS REJECTING NUKES FOR IRAN! S. 615/H.R 1191 is a way for Congress JUST TO PRETEND THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT A NUCLEAR IRAN, a bill that EMPOWERS OBAMA to make whatever deal he wants with Iran while at the same time STRIPS CONGRESS of any meaningful oversight or POWER TO STOP IT – NO MATTER HOW BAD – UNLESS WE MOBILIZE A VETO-PROOF MAJORITY VOTE OF REJECTION! HELP US PUT THE FEAR OF GOD INTO CONGRESS! BOTH ISRAEL AND AMERICA ARE IN MORTAL PERIL!
Reporter Eli Lake reminds us in a Bloomberg Review article how Obama FOUGHT sanctions by DISHONESTLY keeping up the "more than a year" pretense:
The big kicker here is that when Obama announced the preliminary framework on Apr. 2, he said if it were finalized, "even if it violated the deal, for the next decade at least, Iran would be a minimum of a year away from acquiring enough material for a bomb." Forget the truth. Forget our ally, Israel. FORGET ANYTHING BUT THE RUTHLESS, RELENTLESS OBAMA AGENDA OF FORGING AHEAD ON THIS DEAL BY JUNE 30th… That is REALLY what is happening – unless YOU help us STOP IT! No wonder Obama said he would sign this stinker! It is pre-emptive capitulation, TOTAL SURRENDER!
The closest worldwide sponsor of terrorism Iran should be to a nuclear weapon is NEVER. Obama is literally blowing up the opportunity to DISARM the Ayatollahs of nuclear capability by insisting that the only alternative to this deal is WAR with Iran. That postulation begs the question, would you rather risk war with NO NUKES Iran NOW or war with a FULLY NUCLEAR Iran in ten years? I KNOW MY ANSWER! But after years of negotiating face to face with tyrants, I know it need NOT be war AT ALL, if the United States showed consistency and resolve against Iran's nuclear ambitions. If our world is NOT to see conflict in the Middle East dangerously escalate Congress MUST exercise proper Constitutional checks and balances over the Oval Office's New World Order ambitions! Obama's failing foreign policy in the region is forcing Arab states and Israel to align against Iran – and soon, against the Obama-led United States? – in order to hold the Ayatollahs' nuclear ambitions in check. This is a geopolitical disaster, UNLESS we continue to RESIST and FORCE CONGRESS TO REJECT OBAMA'S BAD DEAL! S. 615/H.R. 1191 MUST NOT SEAL Obama's deal! WE MUST RALLY THE CONGRESS TO A VETO-PROOF REJECTION OF OBAMA'S NUCLEAR IRAN, AND STAND WITH ISRAEL!
If Netanyahu does not SUBMIT to Obama's indefensible "two state solution" negotiated with TERRORISTS, the U.S. is threatening to ABANDON Israel at the U.N. and SUPPORT Palestinian attacks there against the Jewish State. These include dragging Israel before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trumped-up "crimes against humanity" for DEFENDING against Hamas and Hezbollah terror attacks last summer! Worse, Obama is "edging closer" to abandoning years of blocking U.N. Security Council resolutions seeking to ILLICITLY IMPOSE so-called peace talks and a multi-lateral mandate for creation of an Islamic-Arab Palestinian State – in total violation of Resolution 242 and decades of U.S. diplomatic commitments. Congress MUST STOP Obama from BETRAYING ISRAEL AT THE U.N. AND ICC…
Obama won't concede – it's NOT OK for Iran to bomb Israel TODAY, in TEN YEARS or in TWO! The Congress MUST REJECT Obama's nuclear Iran by VETO-PROOF majority! Help put VOTER PRESSURE on them NOW! YOUR continued support remains vital to successful resistance in Congress against those who are BETRAYING ISRAEL! Washington MUST hear from YOU that OBAMA DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICAN QUISLINGS ARE FOOLING NO ONE. Congress CANNOT allow the Obama administration to abandon Israel to the Islamists, be they the Palestinian Authority or Iran!
Another reason Israel is imperiled is because the U.S. government under Obama, through security leaks and other breaches, has maliciously crippled Israel's covert operations against Iran's nuclear program – leaving few options other than military strikes against Iran's reactors and nuclear facilities.
Whatever the global politics of this Iranian "deal" may finally prove to be, one cold, hard fact of American politics MUST be confronted. In February 2010, 48 percent of Democrats supported Israel and 70 percent of Republicans did. Those figures have only worsened since. Obama is destroying his old party, destroying America's proud and noble consensus in support of Israel, leading our country to ruin, and imperiling the only democracy in the Middle East as he pursues policies that bring the region closer and closer to catastrophic, perhaps even nuclear war. There is a liberal majority of the Democrat party that no longer stands foursquare with Israel – and under the "leadership" of Obama, the betrayal of Israel is becoming party policy. IT MUST NOT BECOME AMERICA'S POLICY. CONGRESS MUST NOT DISHONOR OUR NATION BY BESMIRCHING OUR RIGHTFUL HISTORY OF SUPPORT FOR THE JEWISH STATE. SEN. TOM COTTON IS RIGHT. HE NEEDS YOUR HELP TO REJECT WITH A VETO-PROOF MAJORITY VOTE OBAMA'S TRAITOROUS NUCLEAR 'DEAL' WITH IRAN. AMERICA STANDS WITH ISRAEL. PLEASE PRAY AND ACT FOR THE SAFETY OF ISRAEL… TELL CONGRESS: STAND WITH ISRAEL! Keep Faith, Alan Keyes