A Special Message of Interest from Conservative Majority PAC
SUPPORT NEW 'SAFEGUARD ISRAEL ACT Stand With Israel – Honor Jerusalem
If passed, the Safeguard Israel Act will "prohibit voluntary or assessed contributions to the United Nations until the President certifies to Congress that United Nations Security Resolution 2334 has been repealed." THE ILLICIT RESOLUTION 2334 MUST BE REPUDIATED AT ONCE! NO DELAY! Recall, the U.N. violated international law AND twisted and contorted numerous standing resolutions in the Obama-authorized, pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel ATTACK that declares JERUSALEM, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount as OCCUPIED PALESTINE! Anti-Semitic thugs at the UN are ALSO uniting with their pro-Palestinian Authority cronies at the International Criminal Court to conjure up some fake partisan investigations against Israel for "human rights violations" as well. THEY ARE BRAZEN AND SHAMELESS… BUT HAVE YET TO BE CHECKED! We provide roughly $3 BILLION PER YEAR in U.S. funding – LEVERAGE – to rein in the United Nations from these outlandish and gross attacks on our ally. NOW is the time to use it! WE HAVE THE LEGISLATION UNDERWAY, AND WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT TO SIGN IT INTO LAW. NOW WE HAVE TO DEMAND CONGRESS DELIVER! YOUR ACTION TODAY IS CRITICAL! Not only is the United Nations NOT backing away from it promotion of terror-NOT-A-STATE "Palestine" but the U.N. is DOUBLING DOWN on its attacks upon Israel, preparing to ratchet them up with a full-fledged promotion of the seditious Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement. The Israel-hating Obama administration is intensifying its own betrayal of our Jewish ally with the excuse they perceive the United States' role as a passive bystander instead of defender of Israel from U.N.-PA bullies. Make sure the NEW 115th CONGRESS and the NEW Trump administration hears YOUR demands to STAND WITH ISRAEL! It is critical we use these next few days to BE HEARD in YOUR DEMAND to STAND WITH ISRAEL! On the agenda is whether or not to confirm that TONS of YOUR TAX DOLLARS for the globalist Jew-haters at the U.N. is NOT "mandatory" and within the powers of YOUR Congress to WITHHOLD OR WITHDRAW from authorization. Now is not the time to go silent but to BE HEARD and DEMAND DEFUNDING!
Israeli spokesmen said all along there was "ironclad information" the Obama administration helped CRAFT and PUSH this vicious United Nations resolution that maliciously and dangerously undermines the Jewish state! Don't let Obama get away with backstabbing our ally, Israel… BLASTFAX YOUR URGENT PETITIONS DEMANDING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS STAND WITH ISRAEL & DEFUND THE UNITED NATIONS! "We have ironclad information, frankly, that the Obama administration really helped push this resolution and helped craft it, from sources internationally and sources in the Arab world," David Keyes, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told CNN's Dana Bash. "It's really an unfortunately legacy, kind of a last minute jab at Israel that actually distances peace." Already, Israel is receiving BIPARTISAN EXPRESSIONS OF SUPPORT ON CAPITOL HILL from both Democrats and Republicans condemning the United Nations attack on our ally and demanding DEFUNDING of the globalist bullies – BUT we need ACTIVE SUPPORT for Israel to PUNISH the U.N. and see this dangerous resolution REVOKED. Because as pointed out by Hotair.com's Allahpundit, with the 14-0 Security Council vote Obama's U.S. delegation cowardly abstained, NINE votes would have to be flipped. Presently, none of the permanent Council members (Russia, China, the UK, France and the U.S.) would veto the repeal resolution (which they – except us – ALL SUPPORTED with "yes" votes!)… In other words, the only feasible recourse for Israel is a Congress determined to DEFUND THE UNITED NATIONS! The United States underwrites a staggering 22% of the United Nations' budget and the Congress controls the power of the purse – WE HAVE THE FINANCIAL LEVERAGE TO RIGHT THIS WRONG! With pro-Israel Chuck Schumer NOW leading the Democrats on Capitol Hill, defunding legislation CAN MOVE quickly in the new Trump administration but to do this, we must strike while this issue is HOT! Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN, he's ready to "lead that break" between the United States and the United Nations:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) echoed the sentiment in a statement:
If NOT REVERSED, The Jerusalem Post reports Israel will be facing renewed boycott, sanctions and divestment (BDS) efforts on a global scale with NGOs doing the dirty work of anti-Semite governments around the world. WE MUST REBUKE THE ANTI-ISRAEL RESOLUTION WITH OUR PETITIONS DEMANDING A UNITED STATES REVERSAL AND DEFUNDING – NOT A BETRAYAL! Not since 2011 has the U.S. had to veto a UNSC resolution condemning the settlements. But remember, in 1979, under the odious Israel-hating President Jimmy Carter, it actually abstained on an anti-settlement vote and allowed it to PASS – setting a shameful and dangerous anti-Israel precedent now COPIED BY OBAMA FOR ONE LAST BETRAYAL OF OUR ALLY – one prematurely "predicted" by the PLO working closely with the Obama administration… Obama's fingerprints of collusion are all over this shameful episode; indeed he is now bragging about his betrayal! PLO Executive Committee Member Ahmad Majdalani told The Jerusalem Post BEFORE THE VOTE that he believed the U.S. vote WOULD BE TO ABSTAIN. "We have ongoing contacts with the U.S. administration about the forthcoming UNSC resolution and our assessment is that the U.S. will abstain from taking a position," Majdalani said. All the while, Israel was getting told another story by the Obama administration! Demand principled action by Congress; do NOT let violent leftist history repeat itself against the Jewish state – DEMAND CONGRESS STAND WITH ISRAEL! Despite a sense of newfound, post-election HOPE for the future in America's alliance with our special strategic partner Israel, Barack Obama – via his pro-Arab cronies in the United Nations – is STILL determined to wreak havoc on the Jewish State. With his departing, back-stabbing vote of Israel in the Security Council over Jewish settlements, Obama has helped launch a pro-Muslim supremacist plot to seize Jerusalem as capital of a new militant Palestinian state, and WE MUST FIGHT BACK NOW! Please, DEMAND Congress take pre-emptive action before the Temple Mount, the sacred city of Jerusalem – and Israel herself – are FURTHER BETRAYED by the United Nations to terrorist, Jew-hating jihadis. BLASTFAX YOUR URGENT NEW 'SUPPORT ISRAEL – DEFUND THE UN' PETITIONS TO CONGRESS TODAY! TELL CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT TRUMP YOU SUPPORT RECOGNITION OF JERUSALEM AS THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL! The Jewish State and her friends are on tenterhooks about just how far Barack Hussein Obama's U.N. will go to ostracize and punish our ally Israel. Unless President Trump and the U.S. Congress present a UNITED and FORCEFUL DEFENSE of Israel and REVERSE Obama’s damage, the U.N. will advance the pro-Palestinian, U.N.-led "two-state" solution that diminishes Eretz Israel and aggrandizes the Palestinian Authority. Before Obama's disgraceful Security Council betrayal, the United Nations had already laid malicious groundwork with a recent UNESCO resolution deeming the sacred Temple Mount – the place of the first and second Jewish temples and the center of ancient Israel's government, social and religious life – as a world heritage site belonging foremost to ISLAM and the new U.N. "member-state" of 'PALESTINE'! With these LAWLESS provocations, they are creating a "crisis" to necessitate "protection" – otherwise known as U.N. INTERFERENCE – that will TARGET ISRAEL!
Specifically, this resolution requires U.N. human rights officials to create a "database" of companies that have "enabled or profited" [from] the expansion of Israeli settlements, according to a report by Haaretz. Even before that, under long-standing "Agenda Item 7," the U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) debated boycotting Israeli settlements, seeking to exert pressure for establishment of the pre-1967 lines in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, according the Jerusalem Post. This radical session was being held in rank comradery with the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement taking Europe by storm. It included proposals to HALT THE EXPORTATION of Israel-made products to U.N. member states – complete with the creation of a database listing all Israeli businesses and their owners operating over the '67 lines! And SHAMEFULLY, American and European U.N. officials have just stood by and let it happen… All the while the United Nations promotes jihad! It funds the Islamic State behind the scenes, lets Hamas hide in its hospitals and schools while BLOWING UP innocent civilians, and uses the crisis in Syria to FLOOD EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES WITH MILLIONS OF UNVETTABLE ISLAMIC 'REFUGEES' – needlessly and cruelly exacerbating a tragic humanitarian crisis by displacing these desperate Muslims out of the Middle East. This is being done DELIBERATELY, despite the fact Jordan and the Gulf States could readily absorb them in relocation facilities in the region. The global threat this Islamic diaspora poses to the West, to democracy, and to Israel cannot be over-emphasized. UNLESS THE U.N. IS PROMPTLY DEFUNDED, YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS WILL FUND EVEN WORSE! Recall, Obama and his anti-Israel ilk are chomping at the bit for pre-1967, pre-war-won borders between Israel and the Palestinians, falsely crying "victim" of Israel's "occupation" at the U.N…. of course, lying, cheating and stealing for the Palestinians isn't a solution for "peace" but the United Nations is relentlessly pushing for these borders that would leave Israel INDEFENSIBLE. Never mind our one true ally in the region would then be only ten miles across at her narrowest point and ripe for invasion by her increasingly belligerent Muslim neighbors – AND RESIDENTS! Shame on Israel for "occupying" the territory won in her defensive wars… With the U.S. underwriting 22 percent of the United Nations' TOTAL BUDGET – and 26 PERCENT OF ITS 'PEACEKEEPING' BUDGET' – the increasingly Islamist-led United Nations explicitly targets and attacks Israel MORE THAN DOES ANY NATION IN THE WORLD. And WE American taxpayers are footing the bill for it! CONGRESS MUST ACT! Obama's memorable vow to "stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" might be good for him if the rise of the Islamist caliphate continues undeterred, and if Islam achieves its long-sought destruction of our ally, Israel. But these outcomes, if not REVERSED, have terrible implications for America. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Obama's BETRAYAL of Israel HAS BEEN DAMAGING TO ISRAEL AND AMERICA, and we MUST push back TODAY! CONGRESS MUST DO MORE THAN SCOLD OBAMA'S POLICIES, WHILE LETTING THE U.N. CONTINUE DOWN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION PATH OF ATTACKING AND UNDERMINING ISRAEL! THERE IS FINALLY A NEW AMERICAN PRESIDENT SWORN IN AND NEW POLICIES SUPPORTING ISRAEL TO BE ENACTED…
Despite a wave of Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians with stabbings and bombings on a near daily basis, the United Nations is continuing its hypocritical "human rights" resolution record. During this March session, the UNHRC has put forth but one resolution against Iran; and one against Syria. ISRAEL IS THE TARGET OF SIX SUCH RESOLUTIONS – INCLUDING THE U.N.'S VERY OWN VERSION OF 'BDS'! Other resolutions demand Israel halt its demolition of terrorists' homes and those of their supporters, and 'FACILITATE THEIR RETURN.' For good reason, the United States under the George W. Bush Administration BOYCOTTED the U.N. HRC… but Obama embraced the anti-Israel Council in 2009 when taking over the Oval Office even as its 47-member body included some of the worst human rights violators in the world, like Saudi Arabia, China and child-soldier-drafting Zimbabwe! The Jewish State is defiantly standing firm against a mounting tidal wave of economic, political and PHYSICAL destruction and NEEDS BINDING U.S. CONGRESSIONAL COMMITMENT TO HELP HER SECURE HER FUTURE NOW! DON'T LET OBAMA's HATE-ISRAEL LEGACY AID AND ABET THE BETRAYAL OF OUR ALLY!
But Obama and his minions routinely were VIOLATING THIS LAW and even with Obama GONE from the Oval Office, the U.N. is RUNNING FORWARD WITH BDS! With the U.N. HRC trying to ratchet up its unfounded "human rights" assault on Israel – WE NEED ACTION NOW! There is no time to lose… DEMAND THIS CONGRESS REJECT OBAMA'S ANTI-ISRAEL LEGACY – DEMAND CONGRESS DEFUND THE UNITED NATIONS AT ONCE! As observed by foreign affairs expert Caroline Glick, Obama is
There is a liberal majority of the Democrat party that no longer stands foursquare with Israel – and under the "leadership" of Obama, the betrayal of Israel has been Democrat party policy. There is hope with the new 115th Congress and YOUR strong voice this can change! Obama's anti-Israel actions have been SO BLATANT AND DESTRUCTIVE Obama's anti-Israel actions are SO BLATANT that many Democrat leftist legislators are beginning to retreat from Obama's extremism… WE MUST RALLY TO ISRAEL AND ENSURE THAT AN U.N.-DRIVEN, ANTI-ISRAEL AGENDA TARGETING THE SACRED CITY OF JERUSALEM IS STOPPED! AND THE COLLEGE CAMPUS JEW-HATRED OF THE BDS MOVEMENT MUST NOT BECOME AMERICA'S POLICY. DEFUND THE ANTI-ISRAEL UNITED NATIONS! CONGRESS MUST NOT DISHONOR OUR NATION BY BESMIRCHING OUR RIGHTFUL HISTORY OF SUPPORT FOR THE JEWISH STATE. THE UNITED STATES MUST NOT FUND THE ANTI-SEMITIC UNITED NATIONS! AMERICA STANDS WITH ISRAEL. PLEASE PRAY AND ACT FOR THE SAFETY OF ISRAEL… TELL CONGRESS: STAND WITH ISRAEL! Keep Faith, Alan Keyes