For Zion's Sake
"I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth."
- Isaiah 62:6,7 (NIV)
Be a Watchman for Israel
Persons of biblical faith believe God will bless and protect every nation that blesses Israel. But those who persecute Israel and seek to steal from her the land Promised her as an eternal possession will suffer God's judgment.
We need Watchmen on the Wall who know that America and Israel are living in a prophetic time. These Watchmen are vigilant and engaged on Israel's behalf; they pray and act diligently to defend Israel, that America and our people, with Israel, may receive God's mercy and not earn chastisement or the righteous wrath of the Lord.
We cannot rest. Every week, votes are taken at the United Nations and popular opinions formed that see whether America chooses to stand with Israel and protect the Jewish people, or stand with Israel's enemies. Whatever these outcomes, it seems certain we are in a time of testing with unremitting assaults against Israel; Middle Eastern violence is foretold, and Israel is in grave peril.
We launched our ASWI initiative as a separate project as we witnessed national support for Israel beginning to erode under the rise of the Obama radical Left. Only a week after the crisis at the United Nations over faux Palestinian "statehood," the "international community" convened for the Durban III conference, a high-profile anti-Israel United Nations General Assembly meeting.
This marked the 10th anniversary of the adoption of The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action from the World Conference against Racism 2001 (also known as Durban I), which savagely denounced Israel and equated Zionism with racism. Officially billed as "the international community's blueprint for action to fight racism," Durban represents an orchestrated frenzy of Jew-hatred that in 2011 kicked off a resumption of the execrable propaganda campaign of global blood libel against Jews and the Jewish State. It enlists all manner of anti-Semites into false allegations that "Zionism is racism" in order to isolate Israel and make her a pariah nation. A featured speaker at Durban III was rabid Holocaust-denier, Israel-despiser Ahmadinejad of Iran.
American confusion in the Obama era, and an international decline of decent support for Israel continue apace! We need YOU to join with us and be a Watchman on the Walls for Israel -- and righteousness!
God's Word promises a curse on any nation that defiles Jerusalem. Bill Clinton as president attempted to divide Jerusalem and surrender the Temple Mount to radical Islam. Has America paid a terrible price for her faithlessness?
At Durban I in September 2001, the execrable anti-Semitic tract
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was distributed to every participant by the Palestinian delegation. Only hours after the conference dispersed, the murderous Islamist 9/11 attacks upon America commenced. Now Obama has let formal recognition of a Palestine state at the UN move forward, within days of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
International betrayal of Israel is once again rolling forward like an avalanche, and this is only the beginning of an accelerating, protracted battle. Some of us with this coalition were privileged to first fight this battle in the 1980s, under President Ronald Reagan. The Jew-haters united then in the UN under the Soviet disinformation campaign asserting "Zionism is racism."
Now U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has brought this lie back in its "apartheid" code, used promiscuously and interchangeably with the term Zionism in the 1980s. That lie was launched by the KGB in a strategic effort to delegitimize and isolate the Jewish state. You see, the tactics of the Left do not change, only the actors and the provocateurs.
Today, it is American Leftists most dangerously leading the charge against Israel — colluding, aiding and abetting her Arab extremist enemies. The Obama Administration has been belligerent, assaulting Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's refusal to surrender control of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to Israel's sworn enemies. Netanyahu has only insisted that Israel must have defensible and negotiated borders, and that the Arab Palestinians must acknowledge the right of the Jewish state to exist.
Obama demands capitulation and concessions from Israel, exercising efforts at coercion, bullying, and intimidation. He coddles the Palestinians and makes a place at the table for the Hamas terrorists.
We will continue our national campaign to alert people to the danger posed, not only to Israel but to America as well. We stand with Israel as Watchmen on the Wall, as faithful friends and allies, as brothers and sisters resisting evil.
Please join us. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
— and show the world with your vigilance and activism, America Stands With Israel.